Chatsworth Infant School

Chatsworth Infant School

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At Chatsworth Infant School we believe that primary science should be mainly based upon practical activities in which pupils are actively investigating a problem or question relevant to their own experience.  Science should stimulate and develop an attitude of curiosity and questioning and as well as developing substantial scientific knowledge. Therefore, here at Chatsworth Infant School, Key Stage One will ensure that they are participating in one knowledge lesson per week as well as conducting one experiment per week. We believe the practical skills learnt in Science are a key element in the Science Curriculum and really help to engage and spark interest in key areas of science – with all children excited about the next lesson!

We want children to have a greater understanding of the world in which they live; to recognise problems, and to work towards their solution.  We feel that science, amongst other things, should encourage sensitivity towards living things and the environment.

We feel that it is important to value the child’s initial ideas and to work with them in developing the child’s perception.  We believe that young children find it difficult to understand abstract scientific concepts and therefore work should be based around ideas which are accessible to and testable by the child.

Discussion is an important aspect of primary science.  Teacher/child interaction, small group and class discussion will help the children to evaluate their work and improve understanding of scientific concepts. In addition to this, we particularly focus on encouraging children to ask questions to develop their understanding and ideas.

We currently focus our teaching of Science through the International Primary Curriculum (IPC).  Children are fully immersed into their Science topics creating knowledge harvests, taking part in innovative, exciting experiments; developing their enquiry and observation skills. At the end of each topic, children have the opportunity to share their new knowledge and celebrate their Science topic through an inventive and stimulating ‘exit point.’

Science Overview - IPC

Science Learning Ladders