Chatsworth Infant School

Chatsworth Infant School

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Year 2

Home | Year Groups | Year 2

Year 2




Welcome to Year 2!

We have two classes in Year Two, named after Pioneers of Egyptian history – Cleopatra, named after the legendary Egyptian Queen, and Ramesses, named after the famous Egyptian pharaoh.

Cleopatra‘s class teacher is Mr Harry Webb and Ramesses‘ is Miss Hannah Attridge. The teaching assistants across both classes are Mrs Jane Brenchley, Mrs Gemma McArdle and Mrs Sarah Moore.

Our topic in Year 2 is ‘From A to B’. We are going to find out about different modes of transport, what they looked like in the past and may look like in the future.  We will be designing our own mode of transport using recycled materials exploring what makes something move smoothly.


In English, our lessons are focused around different high quality texts. Over the course of the term we will be writing narratives to inform and entertain as well as writing reports.  We will explore different sentence types and word classes to make our writing interesting.  Also, to extend our sentences we will use co-ordinating conjunctions and, or, but.

Reading Practice and Spelling happens every morning.  Reading is taught through a ‘flooding’ approach where children take part in a guided group reading session based on decoding, prosody and comprehension, with a trained reading teacher.

We encourage children to ensure they are reading at home at least 3 times a week and their reading record must come into school daily so it can be checked and books can be changed when needed.


We follow the White Rose Maths Scheme as a school.  This half term our Maths learning will be based around place value. We will be building on our learning from year 1; recalling our understanding of place value.  Then,  we will explore counting forwards and backwards in tens/ones.  We will then apply our knowledge to order numbers correctly and explore the relationships between them.

It is really helpful if you can practice your times tables at home if you have spare time.

How can you help?

Please spend time with your child reinforcing the correct written formation of all letters and numerals, taking care to ensure these are not reversed into a mirror image. We have also been trying really hard to join our handwriting, so please encourage this at home. Please also work on the Year 1 and/or 2 common exception words that have been sent out this week. The children are tested regularly on these, as they form part of our end of Key Stage assessments. Thank you!


Please continue to read with your child regularly at home (we recommend at least 3x per week).

Weekly homework will be set every Friday and due the following week. Please ensure all homework is completed in pencil and encourage your child to present their work neatly.

Spellings will be sent home on a half-termly basis for your child to practise the relevant week’s words. They will be tested on the following Friday. We keep the tests very low key and always praise effort. Please encourage your child to apply their spellings, by writing them in a sentence.


PE for both classes will be on Wednesdays taught by our PE Specialist Mr Luke Kimberley. On this day please send your child into school wearing their PE kit appropriate for the weather.

The second session of PE each week will be taught by the class teacher. Cleopatra will have PE on Thursdays and Ramesses will have PE on Tuesdays. On this day your child should bring their PE bag into school to change for PE. Your child will then be sent home with their PE bag on the same day.

Topic Letters

Autumn 1 - Brainwaves/Superhumans

Autumn 2 - Treasure Islands

Spring 2 - coming soon!